A 90 clockwise rotation and then a vertical reflection are applied

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90 Degree Clockwise Rotation (Definition, Examples) Byjus

What Are Rigid Motions? - Expii

Rotation Rules (Explained w/ 16 Step-by-Step Examples!)

PRACT: Rotation of 90 Degrees About The Origin

What will be the angle of a reflected ray by a plane mirror if it is tilted by a small angle from its original position? - Quora

Geometry Rotations Clockwise and Counterclockwise Explained! — Mashup Math


90 Degree Clockwise Rotation (Definition, Examples) Byjus

Rotating shapes about the origin by multiples of 90° (article)

How to rotate 90 degrees clockwise about a point, not the origin, say point A (-2, 3) - Quora

Answered: What transformation is used to create…

Solved Describe the rotation and reflection symmetries in

Question Video: Identifying the Coordinates of an Image of a Point after a Rotation with a Certain Degree given the Point's Coordinates

Transformations of 2-Dimensional Shapes