Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: The fundamental actions & movements of the ANKLE are: □ Dorsiflexion □ Plantarflexion □ Eversion □ Inversion It is NOT precise synonyms,but in order to remember quickly

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Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: ✴️ERECTION✴️ & ITS DISTURBANCES! The chief source of innervation in erection is PARA-SYMPATHETIC nervous system, which transmits impulses to corpus cavernosum via pelvic splanchnic nerves. A complete

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: 🔴Mechanisms of ANKLE SPRAIN : Inversion Eversion High ankle sprain. 👉Inversion(supination) injuries are most common often involve external rotation of foot relative to tibia,in addition to inversion

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on LinkedIn: #intersectionsyndrome #achilles #anatomical #mri #foot #radiology…

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: 2 main tendons running along lateral ankle are peroneus(fibularis) LONGUS & BREVIS. P.tertius or P.quartus are out of today's discussion. In tendinopathy of P. longus/brevis, usually complain

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: ✴️Anatomical variations of PLANTARIS MUSCLE morphology may cause mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy, Tennis leg syndrome or increase the risk of failure while harvesting tendons. ✴️It's located superficial to

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on LinkedIn: #intersectionsyndrome #achilles #anatomical #mri #foot #radiology…

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: 🛑Some authors classified ANKLE IMPINGEMENT SYNDROMES into 5 entities: Anterior,Anteromedial,Anterolateral,Posterior, Posteromedial. 🛑Posterior Ankle Impingement maybe due to osseous(e.g Steda process..)and/or soft tissue

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on LinkedIn: #intersectionsyndrome #achilles #anatomical #mri #foot #radiology…

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on X: LOWER LEG : ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT. Key function of muscles of anterior compartment is dorsiflexion of ankle & extension of toes. Also, certain muscles from this group assist in the inversion of the foot (tibialis ant, flexor

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on LinkedIn: #intersectionsyndrome #achilles #anatomical #mri #foot #radiology…

Dr. OMID BANDARCHI on LinkedIn: #intersectionsyndrome #achilles #anatomical #mri #foot #radiology…