Are any plus size models just average size models photoshopped to

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The Truth About What 'Average' Size 16 Women Look Like

The Mean Life of a 'Midsize' Model - The New York Times

How much do plus-size models make per show/shoot? How can someone become a plus-size model? - Quora

How do plus size models have flat stomachs? - Quora

Plus-size model' reveals fat suit secret, explains why plus-size models have slim faces in photos - Scoop Upworthy

How do plus size models have flat stomachs? - Quora

A campaign photoshopped magazine covers with plus-size women and it looks amazing

A campaign photoshopped magazine covers with plus-size women and it looks amazing

All About Plus-Size Modeling - Advice from Influencers and ModelsAdvice from Influencers and Models

Are fashion models photoshopped? - Quora

Plus-Size Models Ask Photographer To Make Them Skinny, Reveal How Much Photoshop Can Change Your Body

Two plus-size models share pictures proving how much Photoshop really changes your body

Photoshopping: why are all the examples of female photographs? Is Photoshop used on male models too? - Quora