Which ion is bigger in size, H- or I-? - Quora

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What is the minimum amount of current needed to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas in an electrolysis cell? - Quora

Why do Van Der Waal forces increase with the increase in atomic radius? - Quora

Why does the H+ ion have a smaller size compared to an H- ion? - Quora

Mini-video on ion size (video)

What is the size of an H- ion compared to sizes of other elements? - Quora

If oxygen is air, then how can water be made out of air? - Quora

Which is more stable and why - H2 or (He2) 2+? - Quora

How is a hydrogen ion stable without any electrons? - Quora

How hyperconjugation affects bond length? - Quora

Why does Ba+2 have a smaller ionic radius than K+ ion? - Quora

Is hydrogen ion bigger than hydrogen atom? - Quora

Which is more reactive 'iron' or 'hydrogen'? - Quora