Are plastic knuckles effective because where I live brass/metal knuckles are illegal? - Quora

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Answer (1 of 4): Quality matters, design matters, but in the end what matters is the person. The most effective self defence weapon available won't make a whit of difference if you don’t know how, or are not willing to use it effectively. That means that any weapon legal or not is only as effecti

If brass knuckles aren't made of brass, are they still illegal? - Quora

Are brass knuckles still used in the military today? - Quora

Can heavy rings do the same thing as brass knuckles? - Quora

Why are brass knuckles illegal in some states but knives aren't? - Quora

How effective are knuckle dusters in a real street fight? - Quora

Where in the U.S. are brass knuckles legal? Why are they illegal in some places? - Quora

How dangerous are brass knuckles compared to a bare fist? - Quora

Why are brass knuckles illegal in some states but knives aren't? - Quora

Are brass knuckles legal in the US? - Quora

Are brass knuckles legal in PA if they're not made of brass? - Quora

If a character were to punch someone using brass knuckles, what would be the effects on their hands? - Quora


Is it illegal to purchase an aluminum knuckle duster bottle opener? I'm in Canada and the product would be coming from the states. - Quora