WoT: The CS-52 C Goes to the Supertest - The Armored Patrol

4.9 (274) · $ 11.50 · In stock

The CS-52 C, a Polish Tier VIII medium tank, will be coming to the Supertest soon. This vehicle is armed with a 100 mm gun that can deal 250 HP of damage per shot, as well as penetrate 190 mm of armour with a standard AP shell, or 290 mm with its special HEAT shell.

Player Profile [GRUMP] moeggsy-p

Player Profile [DVETS] MrKep88-x

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Supertest: CS 52 (Initial Stats) - The Armored Patrol

Player Profile [IMTLS] iTzTrixa-x

Fox Fur” Style for CS-52 Pictures - The Armored Patrol

Player Profile [ELDO] Montex289V5-p